Send a new batch of postcards every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!
We are doing this not only to keep ground-breaking gay supercouple Kyle and Oliver on "One Life to Live", but also in support of gay representation in the media in general. We would like ABC Daytime to continue to strive for diversity and equality in their programming.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

F4K Shout-out on OLTL?

Hey guys. Guess what type of candy Oliver Fish's old boss Bo Buchanan was in the mood for during the April 27 episode of One Life to Live? SWEDISH FISH! Think this could have been a shout-out to us Kish fans? Our Fish4Kish campaign was up and running when this episode was probably taped...


  1. LOVE IT! This is so a shout out to the F4K campaign!! Well done Jenna!! ♥


  2. hope the campaign is still continuing..i know that i am still doing my part to support Kish
    to get Brett and Scott back again

  3. Keep on fighting and show your support for our Kish boys because we all want them back on OLTL soon!

  4. I call everyday to ABC and ask for Kish to comeback. I had bought some Swedish to send but damnit I ate I ended up sending Brian Frons and Frank Valentini the Wall Mounted Singing Fish that sings Bring back the Fillet O' Fish Song. I had taped the Banner of this site over the name of the box the fish was in and a picture of Kyle and Oliver on the front. They both recieved them last week.

  5. Wow, awesome posts everyone! Keep up the good fight!
